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Exciting Events at The Crest!

Wrapping up the end of summer with the Turtle Trot 5k race, and preparing for Outdoor School this fall!

 The Turtle Trot 5k Adventure Race has begun! Bring your family and come run anytime, as many times as you’d like throughout September. More about The Turtle Trot.

Read on to learn about… Fall Outdoor School, Who’s Who at The Crest, and flora and fauna at the ranch this month!

Come Run the Turtle Trot 5k!

Turtle Trot runner with ranch guard dog
Turtle Trot 5k trail race sign posted on tree
Western Pond Turtle

Are you ready to trot? Come join our self-timed 5k trail adventure race, The Turtle Trot 2022, and run through trails among wetlands, wildflower-filled meadows, seasonal creeks, and the turtle pond!

Bring your family along, and stop for a picnic along the way. You can enter as many times as you’d like, and there will be prizes for all categories- including the slowest runner! 

Race registrations directly support The Crest, and enable us to continue to provide our community with quality place-based nature education at Willow-Witt Ranch.

Outdoor School Coming This Fall!

Outdoor School students harvesting seeds
outdoor school students using binoculars in the field

The Crest is offering weekly 3-day Outdoor School sessions geared towards 5th and 6th grade students. Join us at Willow-Witt Ranch for a program immersed in the volcanic geology, wetlands, and organic farm. 

Lessons and group activities include discussions, games, crafts, hikes, hands-on science, self-guided explorations, traditional knowledge, and nature journaling. 

Our Fall Program runs from September 12 – October 28, 2022

Don’t forget to share with any teachers who might want to reserve a spot for their class!

Who’s Who at The Crest?

administrative assistant Mikaela

We are so excited to welcome Mikaela to The Crest as the new Administrative Assistant and Partnerships Manager! 

Mikaela was born and raised in Brookings, Oregon, nestled between the Kalmiopsis wilderness and the Pacific Ocean. In 2021, Mikaela graduated from OSU with degrees in Human Dimensions of Natural Resources and Sustainability in hopes that she can share her love of nature with the next generation and help create community resiliency in the face of climate change. 

The Crest interests Mikaela because it brings students together to observe and learn about regenerative ecosystem practices and sustainable agriculture, all while being in a breathtaking location. 

She hopes to extend these opportunities to students throughout Oregon and foster strong relationships with schools to meet the needs of their students.

Who’s flying?
Hoary Comma butterfly

Hoary Comma Butterfly

The Hoary Comma Butterfly (Polygonia gracilis) is native to North America. They love to feed on currants and gooseberries! 

What’s growing?
elderberry berries on bush


Elderberry (Sambucus nigra) is the dark purple berry from the European elder tree. It has a long history of use for treating colds and flu’s. Flies are responsible for the pollination of flowers! 

Calendar of Events

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Get involved...

Suzanne Willow talks to a group of students visiting The Crest

The Crest is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization

The Crest nonprofit organization relies on donations to support youth programs and give community groups the chance to experience the wonders of nature to learn about and feel a connection to the natural world. Our volunteer opportunities are a great chance to get outside, connect with others and learn more about your local ecosystem. Please consider contributing to this natural legacy by making a tax-deductible donation.